What's New
The New Premium Tax Credit
Claim it now or take it later?
Effective October 1st, there is a new tax credit available; The Premium Tax Credit. If you are eligible for this credit you can decide to take it now based on your estimated income for 2014 or take it later when you file your tax return for 2014. Who does this impact and what should you do?
What is the Credit and who is eligible?
Topline: If you have health insurance available from your employer, this credit is not for you. If, on the other hand, you are self-employed, your employer recently provided you a notice they are moving health insurance coverage to the “exchange or marketplace”, or you currently do not have health insurance then this information is important to understand.
Beginning in October, 2013 there is a new Health Insurance Marketplace established as part of Obamacare. Open enrollment in these health insurance plans runs from October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. If you are eligible and enroll in one of these plans through the Insurance Marketplace you may be eligible to have your premium reduced by the new Premium Tax Credit.To be eligible for the Premium Tax Credit you must;
Take it now or claim it later?One of the tricky decisions you’ll make if enrolling for health insurance through the Marketplace is deciding to take the Premium Tax Credit to reduce your monthly health insurance premium payments or wait and receive the tax credit when you file your 2014 tax return. Here are some tips:
Predictable income? If your can accurately predict your 2014 income and number of dependents consider applying an estimated credit now to reduce your monthly health insurance cost.
Remember, beginning in 2014 if you do not have health insurance you may be subject to new penalties payable when you file your tax return.Predictable family situation? If you know the number of dependents you will have in 2014 and your status (married, single, etc.) in addition to your income consider applying the credit during the year. If your family situation changes during the year you can always update your profile in the plan. Understand the downside. If you misrepresent your income and it impacts your eligibility for the Premium Tax Credit you will have to repay the credit on your tax return. This could become a real financial hardship. Middle ground? Consider estimating your income, but make it slightly higher than you anticipate. This way your monthly health insurance premium will be a bit higher, but you may also receive a larger refund at the end of the year. |
The New Premium Tax Credit
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